Enhanced Core Reading Instruction

Enhanced Core Reading Instruction

Enhanced Core Reading Instruction™ (ECRI) is a multi-tiered program (Tier 1 and Tier 2) featuring a series of teaching routines designed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of reading instruction in kindergarten, first and second grade.

Enhanced Core Reading Instruction demonstrates strong evidence of effectiveness under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for improving student reading outcomes.

  • K
  •  - 2
  • Instruction

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Delivery Information: PDFs are delivered within 2 business days and the printed books within approximately 6-7 weeks.

Teacher Workbook - Book


1 per teacher


Teacher Workbook - PDF


1 per teacher


Downloadable PDF, license for 1 copy. Prices do not include printing. (268 p.)

Interventionist Workbook - Book


1 per interventionist


Interventionist Workbook - PDF


1 per interventionist


Downloadable PDF, license for 1 copy. Prices do not include printing. (204 p.)

Leadership Guide - Book


1 per instructional leader


Leadership Guide - PDF


1 per instructional leader


Downloadable PDF, license for 1 copy. Prices do not include printing. (304 p.)

Tier 1 - Foundational Skills Enhancements - Book


1 per teacher per grade


Tier 1 - Foundational Skills Enhancements - PDF


1 per teacher per grade


Downloadable PDF, license for 1 copy. Prices do not include printing. (1666 p.)

Tier 2 - Foundational Skills Intervention - Book


1 per interventionist per grade


Tier 2 - Foundational Skills Intervention - PDF


1 per interventionist per grade


Downloadable PDF, license for 1 copy. Prices do not include printing. (1666 p.)


Enhanced Core Reading Instruction will enhance your current core reading program to achieve more favorable outcomes for your students, especially struggling students.

  • Professional development books provide PD for interventionists, teachers, and school leaders, regardless of the core reading program being used.
  • Enhanced Core Reading Instruction utilizes predictable, explicit and effective instructional routines.
  • Specific core reading program enhancements are available for grades K, 1 and 2 with the following core reading programs*:
    • Benchmark Education Company - Benchmark Advance 2018 1st and 2nd ed, Benchmark Advance 2021, Benchmark Advance 2022
    • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Into Reading 2022
    • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Journeys Common Core 2017
    • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Journeys Common Core 2014
    • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Journeys 2011
    • Imagine Learning – EL Education 2016 - 2023
    • McGraw-Hill – Wonders 2014, 2017, 2020, 2023
    • McGraw-Hill – Open Court Reading 2016 and 2023 (grades 1 and 2 only)
    • National Geographic Learning (Cengage) – Reach for Reading 2016
    • Pearson – ReadyGEN 2014
    • Savvas – myView 2020 and 2025
    • Scott Foresman – Reading Street Common Core 2013
    • Amplify - CKLA
  • The Tier 2 Foundational Skills Intervention materials provide interventionists with 150 ready-to-use daily foundational skills lessons that are directly aligned with the core reading program and are intended to be pre-taught to Tier 2 students to promote success in the core curriculum.
  • The Tier 1 Foundational Skills Enhancement materials provide classroom teachers with the same 150 ready-to-use daily foundational skills lessons available in the Tier 2 Foundational Skills Intervention. Teachers may use these lessons with their whole class OR with small groups to enhance their core reading instruction for all students. By presenting the same lessons pre-taught to Tier 2 students, teachers increase the likelihood of success for their students.
  • Aligned with Common Core State Standards.
  • Demonstrates strong evidence of effectiveness under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for improving student reading outcomes.
  • Rigorous research studies demonstrate the intervention’s positive impact on reading achievement for at-risk readers.
  • Developed with support from the US Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences.
  • Research on Enhanced Core Reading Instruction was reviewed by the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII). The research received a rating of "convincing evidence" in the areas of participants, research design, fidelity of implementation, targeted outcome measures and broad outcome measures.

*All trademarks referenced remain the property of their respective holders, and are used by the University of Oregon and CTL solely to describe how these works supplement the referenced titles. Their use in no way indicates any relationship between UO and the holders of said trademarks. Any usage of these terms anywhere in CTL's works is done so simply as part of the description of how to use CTL's work. The description of such products does not indicate any endorsement or affiliation with the holders of said trademarks and UO is not an authorized distributor of the holders of said trademarks.


Materials are available in two different formats:

  • Convenient, downloadable PDF format. Once the PDFs are purchased, copies may be made according to the Distribution License Agreement.
  • Pre-printed by the University of Oregon Printing Services Department.

Sample Lessons

Professional Development Books

Enhanced Core Reading Instruction provides professional development for interventionists, teachers, and leadership personnel through workbooks specifically designed for those roles. Professional development may be achieved through self-study or through sessions planned and led by school or district leadership personnel during schools’ allotted professional development time.

  • Interventionist Workbook*. Features explicit teaching routines in the foundational skill areas of phonemic awareness, phonics and word recognition, decodable text reading, fluency and dictation. These routines do not rely on any particular core program and can be used with any content in the skill area. Yet the routines are very specific – they are designed to be taught in a specific way, using consistent language and following the same procedures each time the routine is used.
  • Teacher Workbook. Includes all the information in the Interventionist Workbook plus teaching routines in the areas of vocabulary and comprehension.
  • Leadership Guide. Includes all of the information in the Teacher Workbook plus information that facilitates the professional development and implementation support of teachers and interventionists.

*For the Into Reading and Reach for Reading programs, the Interventionist Workbook contains Chapters 1-9 of the Teacher Workbook but does not have any of the vocabulary and comprehension chapters or support materials.

Instructional Materials for Core Programs

Enhanced Core Reading Instruction teaching materials apply the teaching routines featured in the professional development books to specific content of certain core reading programs. These lessons align directly with the scope and sequence of the core reading programs, and enhance it's effectiveness through the use of the routines featured in the Enhanced Core Reading Instruction professional development books and strategically selected practice opportunities.

The Tier 1 Foundational Skills Enhancements and Tier 2 Foundational Skills Intervention feature identical 150 ready-to-use, 30-minutes lessons.* The Tier 2 Foundational Skills Intervention lessons are intended to be pre-taught to Tier 2 students in order to increase their success during Tier 1 instruction. The same lessons enhance the delivery of the core program during Tier 1 instruction and are available in the Tier 1 Foundational Skills Enhancements.

*Since the Tier 1 Foundational Skills Enhancements and Tier 2 Foundational Skills Intervention contain identical lessons, teachers and interventionists could purchase and share a copy of either the Tier 1 Foundational Skills Enhancement or the Tier 2 Foundational Skills Intervention. In our experience teachers and interventionists typically need to have their own materials.


Our Research to Your Classroom

  • Developed based on our experience implementing the Enhanced Core Reading Instruction model with nearly 50 elementary schools—a sample that included hundreds of first grade classrooms and thousands of students.
  • Rigorous evaluations have demonstrated statistically significant and substantive impacts on the reading achievement of at-risk readers in first grade (Fien et al., 2014; Smith et al., 2016).
  • Enhanced Core Reading Instruction has a positive effect on Tier 1 teachers’ quality of explicit instruction and the accuracy of group practice opportunities (Nelson-Walker et al., 2013).
  • Enhanced Core Reading Instruction closes the gap for at-risk readers. First-grade, Tier 2 students receiving Enhanced Core Reading Instruction had statistically-significant, accelerated growth for Tier-2, first-grade Enhanced Core Reading Instruction students on measures of word reading, reading comprehension and a comprehensive measure of reading achievement, compared to Tier 2 students who received un-enhanced core instruction (Baker, Smolkowski, Chaparro, Smith & Fien, 2015).
  • The research version of the program was the focus of a study reviewed by the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII). NCII rated the study as having "convincing evidence" regarding participants, research design, fidelity of implementation, targeted outcome measures and broad outcome measures.

Smith, J. L. M., Nelson, N. J., Smolkowski, K., Baker, S. K., Fien, H. & Kosty, D. (2016). Examining the efficacy of a multitiered intervention for at-risk readers in grade 1. Elementary School Journal, 116(4), 549-573. doi:10.1086/686249

Baker, S. K., Smolkowski, K., Chaparro, E. A., Smith, J. L. M. & Fien, H. (2015). Using regression discontinuity to test the impact of a tier 2 reading intervention in first grade. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 8(2), 218-244. doi: 10.1080/19345747.2014.909548

Fien, H., Smith, J., Smolkowksi, K., Baker, S. K., Nelson, N. J., & Chaparro, E. (2014). An examination of the efficacy of a multi-tiered intervention on early reading outcomes for first grade students at risk for reading difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/0022219414521664

Nelson-Walker, N. J., Fien, H., Kosty, D. B., Smolkowski, K., Smith, J. L. M., & Baker, S. K. (2013). Evaluating the effects of a systematic intervention on first grade teachers’ explicit reading instruction. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 36(4), 215–230. doi: 10.1177/0731948712472186


"It’s really great to be able to look at my DIBELS results and look at the ECRI routines and I can find specifically what I need to help those kids. In my previous years I never really felt I knew exactly what to use to help the students." Jen, teacher, Connecticut School

"It wasn’t until they did their mid-year data collection that they realized, “Wait a minute. My children are far, far ahead of where they’ve ever been.” And so it was at that point they couldn’t ignore those data."Tricia Travers, University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning, ECRI Trainer and HILL Consultant

"DIBELS scores have gone way up. Bilingual kindergartners who came in with no previous English, who didn’t know their ABCs, by the end of the school year were able to start blending. It was amazing to watch them start to understand the language and how to put things together." Jen, teacher, Connecticut School