- Developed based on our experience implementing the Enhanced Core Reading Instruction model with nearly 50 elementary schools—a sample that included hundreds of first grade classrooms and thousands of students.
- Rigorous evaluations have demonstrated statistically significant and substantive impacts on the reading achievement of at-risk readers in first grade (Fien et al., 2014; Smith et al., 2016).
- Enhanced Core Reading Instruction has a positive effect on Tier 1 teachers’ quality of explicit instruction and the accuracy of group practice opportunities (Nelson-Walker et al., 2013).
- Enhanced Core Reading Instruction closes the gap for at-risk readers. First-grade, Tier 2 students receiving Enhanced Core Reading Instruction had statistically-significant, accelerated growth for Tier-2, first-grade Enhanced Core Reading Instruction students on measures of word reading, reading comprehension and a comprehensive measure of reading achievement, compared to Tier 2 students who received un-enhanced core instruction (Baker, Smolkowski, Chaparro, Smith & Fien, 2015).
- The research version of the program was the focus of a study reviewed by the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII). NCII rated the study as having "convincing evidence" regarding participants, research design, fidelity of implementation, targeted outcome measures and broad outcome measures.
Smith, J. L. M., Nelson, N. J., Smolkowski, K., Baker, S. K., Fien, H. & Kosty, D. (2016). Examining the efficacy of a multitiered intervention for at-risk readers in grade 1. Elementary School Journal, 116(4), 549-573. doi:10.1086/686249
Baker, S. K., Smolkowski, K., Chaparro, E. A., Smith, J. L. M. & Fien, H. (2015). Using regression discontinuity to test the impact of a tier 2 reading intervention in first grade. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 8(2), 218-244. doi: 10.1080/19345747.2014.909548
Fien, H., Smith, J., Smolkowksi, K., Baker, S. K., Nelson, N. J., & Chaparro, E. (2014). An examination of the efficacy of a multi-tiered intervention on early reading outcomes for first grade students at risk for reading difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/0022219414521664
Nelson-Walker, N. J., Fien, H., Kosty, D. B., Smolkowski, K., Smith, J. L. M., & Baker, S. K. (2013). Evaluating the effects of a systematic intervention on first grade teachers’ explicit reading instruction. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 36(4), 215–230. doi: 10.1177/0731948712472186